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Glory Harvest University employs lecturers through internal selection and external recruitment. Despite of advanced concepts and rich experience, external lecturers still lack practical operation and cannot accommodate training to the actual situations of the company and trainees in a targeted manner. As a result, it is also necessary to invite corporate employees to serve as lecturers. Glory Harvest University lays great emphasis on training internal lecturers in that they are more familiar with the company and full of practical experience and take into account the actual situations of both the company and trainees in their lectures. 

Adhering to the lecturer training mechanism of "Select, educate, employ, and retain", Glory Harvest University is expected to employee 100 full-time lecturers from inside and outside the Group in five years to offer talents training to corporate sectors. Other than that, the University also plans to develop cooperative ties with world-renowned universities and well-known professional training agencies to provide MBA and EMBA education for employees. Glory Harvest University is dedicated to becoming a corporate university that boasts beautiful environment and close combination of production, study, and research. 

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