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Chairman Li Donates Millions to Fund "Dream Center"

Author: GHG CreateDate: 2015-06-19


On November 4, 2012, the 2012 "SHARING LOVE" Charity Night was held in Shenzhen featuring over three hundred celebrities, artists, and entrepreneurs to raise fund to establish a “Dream Center" which supports schools in remote areas and schools for children whose parents have relocated from rural areas to the urban areas for better employment opportunities. The event aimed to raise more awareness in the general public to the education for teenagers in the countryside.

As China’s first independent non-profit organization to meet the annual reporting standards along with all other listed companies, the Shanghai Adream Charitable Foundation will use the raised fund to establish "Dream Center" multimedia classrooms for the underprivileged children. It will also provide these children with quality education called "Dream Courses" to make them independent and innovative thinker and help them build confidence.

In the event, Glory Harvest’s chairman Weibo Li donated famous painter Mr. Dong Xing’s Portrait of Guanyina which worth millions of yuan. All money raised will be donated to improve education quality and promote education equality. Chairman Li has attended the "SHARING LOVE" Charity Night for two consecutive years, donating approximately 600 thousand yuan in cash and goods worth over one million yuan which helped many primary schools in rural areas to build "Dream Centers".

"Dream Centers" are set up as standard classrooms with computers, books and multimedia facilities in rural areas. Each classroom is between 70 and 100 square meters with about 3,000 books, 4 computers, a TV, a DVD player, a digital camera, and several MP3s. The "Dream Center" aims to provide these children with an active environment to help them enjoy the learning process.

The "Dream Center" funded by Chairman Li in Benxi Manchu Autonomous County in Liaoning Province has gradually change the education industry in the local community. Since its debut in the summer of 2012, the “Dream Center” has helped the local children to develop a greater interest in learning, improved the study environment of local schools and closed the education gap between the rural and urban students.



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